Ecco l’ottavo articolo nella nuova serie che ti da la possibilità di ripassare i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli! Oggi il Past Perfect Continuous.
Come al solito, c’è un brano da ascoltare contenente tanti esempi.
E’ meglio ascoltare la registrazione almeno una volta (o anche più volte), prima di leggere la trascrizione che troverai qui sotto.
Non ti preoccupare delle parole che non conosci, continua ad ascoltare anche se all’inizio capisci poco (o nulla) del testo. Con un po’ di pratica, migliorerai!
(Se non vedi il ‘plug-in’ con l’ascolto, clicca qui per trovare questo articolo sul sito e fare l’ascolto.)
8. Past Perfect Continuous – Revenues had been falling for several years
I had been working for a company which organized PC training courses. Unfortunately, revenues had been falling for several years, so we had been looking for other potential sources of income.
Because of the declining sales, we hadn’t been using all of our computer-equipped classrooms. For this reason, our I.T. technician had been suggesting investing in new hardware and software in order to offer our clients more specialized I.T. training.
The sales manager disagreed. Developments in cloud computing services meant that small- and medium-sized companies had been adopting software-on-demand and eliminating old-fashioned network servers.
I had been pushing for the company to offer language training as well as computer courses. Some of our regular clients had been spending considerable sums on English courses, in the hope of increasing their exports.
Management had been working with an external marketing consultant, who had been researching possible new services we could offer. They had been estimating the size of each niche, and evaluating the competition we would face, but the conclusion was not positive.
As the economic climate had been worsening steadily, it was therefore decided that the best approach would be to continue with the cuts in staffing and investment which we had already been making, and hope that the market would improve in time.
Sadly, I was one of those cuts!
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Altri articoli come questo
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (1) Present Simple
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (2) Present Continuous
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (3) Present Perfect
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (4) Present Perfect Continuous
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (5) Past Simple
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (6) Past Continuous
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (7) Past Perfect
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (8) Past Perfect Continuous
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (9) Future Simple
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (10) Future Continuous
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (11) Future Perfect
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (12) Future Perfect Continuous