Ieri abbiamo iniziato una nuova serie di articoli che ti offrono la possibilità di ripassare i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli!
Oggi guardiamo il secondo tempo presente: il Present Continuous!
Ovviamente c’è uno scopo grammaticale, ma non solo. Ascoltare i testi ti offre tanti esempi dell’uso della forma grammaticale, ma è anche un’attività valida in sè.
Ti consiglio, quindi, di ascoltare il brano almeno una volta (anche più volte), prima di leggere la trascrizione che troverai qui sotto.
Non ti preoccupare delle parole che non conosci, neanche se all’inizio capisci poco (o nulla) del testo. Con un po’ di pratica, migliorerai!
(Se non vedi il ‘plug-in’ con l’ascolto, clicca qui per trovare questo articolo sul sito e fare l’ascolto.)
(Ma, hai veramente già ascoltato il brano, prima di guardare qui???)
2. Present Continuous – China is becoming increasingly important
China is becoming an increasingly important market for many European companies, which are trying to replace the sales that they are losing in domestic markets, where consumers and companies are buying less.
European economies are hardly growing at all. Unemployment is high and is not showing signs of improvement. Europeans themselves are not spending, so demand is falling and domestic businesses are struggling to survive.
In contrast, the Chinese economy is growing at an impressive rate. Chinese cities are expanding rapidly. Millions of new homes are being built, and the government is investing in infrastructure.
More and more Chinese are leaving the countryside and are finding well-paid jobs in the cities. Their disposable income is increasing and they are spending their wages on food, medical care and consumer goods.
Economic success is also boosting the number of rich Chinese, who are traveling abroad in larger numbers and are increasingly spending their incomes on luxury foreign goods.
Not all European companies are succeeding in the Chinese market, though. Some are experiencing strong competition from Chinese companies, which are producing similar goods but selling them more cheaply. Others are encountering difficulties with Chinese bureaucracy, or are having problems working with the local partners.
Altri articoli come questo
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (1) Present Simple
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (2) Present Continuous
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (3) Present Perfect
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (4) Present Perfect Continuous
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (5) Past Simple
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (6) Past Continuous
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (7) Past Perfect
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (8) Past Perfect Continuous
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (9) Future Simple
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (10) Future Continuous
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (11) Future Perfect
Ripassa i tempi verbali inglesi, ascoltandoli (12) Future Perfect Continuous
Roberto dice
hello Daniel.
I found him very interesting and really helpful.
In these holidays I’m studying so as to be ready
for Monday when school starts again.
Thanks and see you at school
Daniel dice
Hello Roberto,
Thanks for leaving a comment.
1 correction: “I found IT very interesting” (not ‘him’)
See you soon!