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Questa settimana, invece, ci presentiamo, consiglierò qualche esercizi di inglese già presente sul sito, e molto importantamente, ti mostro come togliere il tuo indirizzo email dalla lista se decidi (o hai già deciso) di NON VOLERE RICEVERE ALTRE MAIL.
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Ancora qui?
Ci presentiamo, allora. Mi chiamo Daniel, ho 48 anni, tre figli inglese/italiani (a casa parliamo in inglese), sono docente di inglese dal 1991. Abito a Bologna, dove gestisco una scuola di inglese privata. Insegno bambini dai tre anni, adulti, business, esami, tutto! Il sito è una specie di passatempo o hobby.
Come puoi capire, il mio italiano non è perfetto, comunque scrivo in italiano lo stesso perchè so che tanti utenti del sito non si sento sicuro a leggere in inglese (anche se sarebbe molto meglio per voi, e più facile per me!)
Ecco, adesso tocca a te. Se vuoi presentarti (anche in inglese), lascia un commento su questo articolo.
Per farlo, vai in fondo alla pagina, clicca la voce ‘Lascia un commento’ poi compila il modulo in fondo alla pagina. Rispondo ai tutti i commenti. Se vuoi un feedback sui eventuali errori, basta chiedere… (Puoi anche correggere gli errori nel mio italiano se proprio devi…)
Va bene, fatto le presentazioni, cosa puoi fare OGGI gratuitamente per migliorare il tuo inglese?
Come docente di inglese, una dalle cose importante che posso fare per i clienti e di identificare e correggere gli errori, sia grammaticali che lessicali.
A volte ho creato degli esercizi basati sui errori tipici che fate. Qui sotto troverai tre esercizi in cui devi scegliere la parola giusta, evitando ovviamente di fare l’errore tipico che fanno tutti!
- Qual è la parola giusta? – 1 (il più facile)
- Qual è la parola giusta? – 2 (intermedio)
- Qual è la parola giusta? – 3 (il più difficile!)
OK, basta per oggi. C’è lavoro pagato da fare!
Ci sentiamo mercoledì.
Oppure se gli esercizi di inglese gratuiti non ti interessano più, cerca subito il collegamento ‘Unsubscribe’ qui sotto…
Manuela dice
Hi Daniel, let me to introduce myself ! I’m Manuela, I’m 57 years old and I’ve been learning English for about two years. I took an English course at a Wall Street English but onestly I can’t speak English well. It’s still hard for me . I like to get in contact with some foreign friends, We write each other and then I love and make practise reading your material that I find wonderful! My compliments! I wanted to ask you if there Are only those few books to read in the shop or Are there others? Thanks for your answer
Daniel dice
Hi Manuela,
Nice to meet you!
Speaking takes time to develop. I’d advise lots of reading and especially listening, which will then help you speak. DVD series are good. I watch ‘Mad Men’ and ‘The Sopranos’ with my kids to help them improve their English.
Thanks for the feedback on the material. There are lots of stories on the site, but at the moment just a few e-books. We plan to publish more this year.
Have a good day!
mimma abate dice
Salve, sono Mimma, insegnante d’inglese. Seguo i vostri racconti, mi piacciono tantissimo ed a volte li ho proposti anche in classe ai miei allievi. Sono contenta di ricominciare a seguirvi.
Vi aspetto presto!
Grazie. Mimma Abate
Daniel dice
Hi Mimma,
Thanks for writing and for the feedback on the stories. But why not write in English??? Next time… It’s what you would tell YOUR students, I’m sure!
liliana dice
Hi Daniel my name is liliana.. I’m from messina but in this moment i live in sheffield for improve my english. I will go back in my town this november after my writing exam. Can you help me whit my write english?
Daniel dice
Hi Liliana,
Thanks for joining us. Yes, I can help you with your writing – you write, I’ll give feedback, you (and other people) learn. Simple!
Here’s some feedback for you:
2. Some corrections:
in this moment >> at the moment
for improve my english >> to improve my English
I will go back in my town >> back to my town
Can you help me whit my write english? >> with my written
Marisa dice
I Daniel,
My name is Marisa, I am 48 and I live in Ravenna.
I work in a warehouse of a company.
I have begun studying English by myself about 1 years ago.
I don’t use English in my job, so I can’t practise it.
I woul’d like to change my job but is very important to speak English and I’ m trying to lern it.
Thank you for your website, it’s very interesting.
Please, correct my errors (they are a lot, I think….).
Best regards.
Daniel dice
Hi Marisa,
Thanks for joining us. Your English is good if you’ve only been studying for a year. Well done!
Here are some corrections, as you asked:
I Daniel >> Hi Daniel
I have begun studying English by myself about 1 years ago. >> I began … 1 year ago.
I woul’d like to change my job but is very important to speak English and I’ m trying to lern it. >> would… learn
No, not so many errors!!
alessandro dice
Hi Daniel My name is Alessandro, i am very Happy for your iniziative,i study english for hobby.
I knew the website [learnenglish.Com] Last year.
I wait the new history book
Best regards
Daniel dice
Hi Alessandro,
Angela dice
Hi Daniel,
Up to now, it is a few years I keep following you, even this is first time I am writing to you.Last year I enjoyed very much the stories especially the audio ones.It is great for me, as I can keep my English to a good level. I lived in London for a while, but it was more than ten years ago. Thank you for help and I kindly ask you to correct my mistakes, if you do not mind.
Daniel dice
Hi Angela,
Thanks for writing. No, I don’t mind at all correcting your mistakes. Here’s a classic one, one of the great differences between Italian and English (actually, it’s two different problems combined):
it is a few years I keep following you >> I’ve been following you for a few years
It Italian you use the present for this type of ‘past until now’ situation. In English, it’s the present perfect (or like here, present perfect continuous).
And of course, in English we usually start a sentence with the subject, not “E'” like in Italian…
Hope that helps!
Grazia dice
Hi Daniel, my name is Grazia and I’m 40. I’m a Biologist and I work in a clinical lab, so for me the English Language is very important. Unfortunately at school I studied French…Your exercises are Very useful for me.
Thank you!!
Daniel dice
Thank you for your feedback, Grazia. I appreciate it.
cristina dice
I’m Cristina. I’m 48. I’m from Messina . I’v got a Univeristy degree in English but I haven’t brushed my English for a long time. I’m interested in your lessons Thanks, bye.
Daniel dice
Welcome, Cristina!
Vincent dice
My name is Vincent
I’m 27 years old. I’m from Palermo.
I’ am an italian teacher, I love contemporary art, music and theatre
I’d like to speak english very well because i’d like to work in the fashion system
Spero non ci siano troppi errori 🙂 Sono principiante
Daniel dice
Hi Vincent,
For a beginner you did well!
Don’t forget though, in English ‘English’ has a capital letter (ma non in italiano, vero?)
Alessandra dice
Hi Daniel , thank you for your lessons: My English is terrible, but now i need English because i’m looking for a new job,i see in offer job Inglish is a basic requierement . I 39 years old , i live in Varese. actually i’m a freelancer in telecomunication area. I would like have a job with customer service. Thankyou for your help.
if i would some payment lesson, what have i do?
Please correct my errors , but they ar a lot , them i don’t’ now if you have so time
Daniel dice
Hi Alessandra,
Thanks for joining us! For information on paid lessons, visit our online shop or email me with details (the address is at the bottom of the page.)
Here are a few corrections for you:
Hi Daniel , thank you for your lessons >> capital T in ‘Thank you’ (It’s different from Italian, isn’t it?)
Inglish >> English
Thankyou >> Thank you
Yes, there were a lot of mistakes, but don’t worry! It’s normal to make mistakes when you speak or write. The important thing is to try!
Francesca dice
Hi Daniel,
I’m twenty-seven years old. I’m a civil engineer graduate and now look a job in this domain. I live in Sardinia with my parents in a little city near the sea, but during graduates’s years I lived with two roommates.
My english’s level is elementary but I hope to improve and then to depart out of Italy.
Please, I ask to correct my errors.
Thanks for this opportunity
Daniel dice
Hi Francesca,
Thanks for joining us. Here are some corrections for you, as you requested:
I’m a civil engineer graduate >>> engineering
and now look a job >>> am now looking for
but during graduates’s years >>> while I was a student / during my undergraduate years
My english’s level is elementary >>> English level / level in English
and then to depart out of Italy >>> to leave Italy
Please, I ask to correct my errors. >>> I’d be grateful if you would correct my errors / Please correct my errors
Francesca dice
Daniel dice
You’re welcome, Francesca.
Gaetana Di Palermo dice
Hi Daniel I followed you in the past and I’m going to do it again this year. Last lessons were about short stories, I would like to read more of these stories but in a higher level if it’s possible. I remember a lesson about phonetic alphabet too. It was very interesting. I always thank you for your e-mail.
Daniel dice
Hi Gaetana,
Welcome back! Yes, we have more stories coming. Not sure about the level though. Why don’t you read ‘real’ books?
Maria Grazia Contu dice
Hi Daniel!
My name’s Maria Grazia, I’m 48! I have three children! My husband is a forensic doctor and I work as chair assistant! I’ve got a degree in foreign languages and I DO LOVE your beautiful language, that’s why I always read your web site!
Keep on publishing these useful exercises!!!!!! I would appreciate you to correct me!!!!
Daniel dice
Hi Maria Grazia,
Seems like we have a lot in common! But what’s a ‘chair assistant’? Maybe that’s not a good translation…
Thanks for the feedback about the site.
Just one correction, ‘appreciate’, which is a difficult verb to use:
I would appreciate you to correct me >> I would appreciate if you corrected me / I would appreciate you correcting me
Iannello Giuseppe Natalino dice
Good afternoon, I’m a forty-seven and I’m unemployed, I’m a junior engineer hardaware and
software systems engineer and a junior Linux networking.
My professional work and the body shop at 360 degrees.
I have a health problem that leads me to change jobs.
I just finished a course in basic English, I can understand it a little’re ready to, but are still far away.
No vorrei essere indiscreto, se il servizio che fornisci e gratis ( anche se non lo e la ringrazio con il cuore per l’opprtunita di avere qualche lezione gratis) io proseguo, altrimenti seno non lo e, ho lo e parzialmente, non ho le possibilità di farlo.
Thank you.
Daniel dice
Hi Giuseppe (or do you prefer Iannello?)
Thanks for introducing yourself. It’s nice to hear from you.
It’s FREE to be on our email list, and to use the materials you see on our site. We do sell individual lessons and ebooks in our online shop, but it’s clear what is ‘a pagamento’ and what is not.
Mostly the site is funded through the advertising you can see.
So relax and enjoy!
Salvo roggio dice
Sono un nuovo iscritto livello principiante.
Complimenti sito ben fatto
Buon lavoro
Daniel dice
Thanks, Salvo!
Rosanna Magliani dice
Good Morning Mr. Daniel,
Iam an italian teacher. I was born in Spain and I am bilingual. I speak perfectly both languages.
Actually I live in Osimo, near Ancona. I work as a voluntary with the organitation called “Caritas”.
I work as a counseling and every Saturday I listen the problems of people in need.
As a teacher I teach italian to people that come in Italy from Africa, Pakistan, Bengladesh and other
countries by boat. I work with an Onlus called ” GUS”. I have two daughters that speak English very
well but . But they don’t want to speak Engliash with me. My first daughter Sara lives and works in
Australia at Perth. She has been lived here for eleven years. Her patner, my son in law is australian.
They have two children. And they normally speak English at the care. The problem is that I’d like to understand something when they speak with me on Skype. I started learning English by myself two years ago. But I know that I have lot of problems with the spelling of because I don’t have earring for music. I know how to make some sentences but when I try I do many mistakes. But I really know I want to improve my basic English.Tanks for the opportunity.
Best regards
Daniel dice
Hi Rosanna,
Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself. You write well in English, well done! And it’s amazing if you have only been learning English for two years…
So, you have English-speaking grandchildren? Like my mother (my children live in Italy). She learnt Italian so she could understand them when they were babies, chattering away in Italian…
Sounds like your priority needs to be listening practice. DVDs are good for that (preferably without subtitles). Lots of people watch TV series (Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Sopranos, etc.) It’s easy to get hours and hours of practice that way.
Chat to you again soon.
N.B. A TUTTI. Se volete scrivere qui in inglese, come ha fatto Rosanna, benissimo! Ma corrego gli errori SOLO SE ME LO CHIEDI.
Ettore dice
thanks for the lessons………….You have my respect!
Daniel dice
Your respect is much appreciated, Ettore! Thanks for taking the time to comment.