Migliora il tuo inglese con letture graduate gratuite! ‘Rosa The Hopeless Cook’ è un testo semplificato con audio. Leggi ora il capitolo 2 e inizia ad imparare l’inglese!
Chapter 2. Emergency!
“An emergency? What’s wrong?” asks Rosa, worried.
“Mamma, I need your help. I have to stay late at the office! Can you pick up Andrea and Elena from school and give them lunch? They come out at 13.00. But please, lunch at home, absolutely no takeaways!”
Andrea and Elena are Rosa’s grandchildren. They go to elementary school.
She loves spending time with them. She loves taking them to the park for a picnic, or to a restaurant for a pizza.
Picking them up from school today will be no problem.
There’s just one thing: what to give them for lunch?
Valeria is clear:
“No junk food! Cook something, like every other grandmother! No pizza or fast food, nothing from the takeaway downstairs. After a morning at school, your grandchildren need a proper, healthy lunch!”
“I have a health fanatic for a daughter!” thinks Rosa. But she agrees to pick up the children from school and cook them lunch.
Scopri il testo in inglese con traduzione a fronte (.pdf)